JACTから論文が出ました[リンク]。「Impact of Radiation-induced Expansion of Aggregate on Structural Performance of Hollow Cylindrical RC Member」ということで、ペデスタル構造物と同様、円筒状RC部材において内側が、中性子照射によって骨材が膨張して損傷を受けたら、どの程度耐震性能が変化するのかを定量的に議論するためにRBSMを用いました。 材料ー構造の一貫ですが、これで、鉱物スケールから構造スケールまでマルチスケールで実験での検証を進めながら性能評価を進められる枠組みが構築できました。
our paper is published by JACT. “Impact of Radiation-induced Expansion of Aggregate on Structural Performance of Hollow Cylindrical RC Member,” which used RBSM to quantitatively discuss how much the seismic performance of the cylindrical RC member is influenced by the radiation-induced expansion of aggregate. We also propose the simple shear deformation ? shear loading capacity prediction model based on the Inaba’s model.
Now JCAMP team has equipped atomic to structure multi-scale numerical tools which are validated by the multi-scale experimental data.
This is a part of our national project on the radiation-induced degradation of concrete funded by METI.