Rapid sealing of bedrock flow-paths by concretion mechanism

A new paper has been published. This paper deals with a sealing technology based on the concretion formation mechanism. We apply this technology to seal bedrock flow paths and we made a success!
The project is led by Prof. Hidekazu Yoshida, Nagoya University Museum.
Please check:

H. Yoshida, K. Yamamoto, Y. Asahara, I. Maruyama, K. Karukaya, A. Saito, H. Matsui, A. Mochizuki, M. Jo, N. Katsuta, A. Umemura, R. Metcalfe, Post-earthquake rapid resealing of bedrock flow-paths by concretion-forming resin, Communications Engineering 3 (2024) 1–10.

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