[JNM]Evaluation of radiation-induced amorphization of α-quartz in concrete aggregates using Raman spectroscopy

Hi, A new paper has been published! It analyzes the behavior of quartz under neutron irradiation on different rock types under various conditions using Raman spectroscopy. The results revealed a high correlation between the Raman shifts and the volumetric changes in the cell volume, as evaluated by XRD. Ideally, background mechanisms should have been verified through first-principles calculations, but this detailed analysis will be addressed in the next paper.

However, using this method, it is possible to analyze extremely small polished specimens. This means that even the sample from decommissioning reactors, tiny fragments can be utilized for extensive analysis. While Micro XRD is another available technique, this method seems to offer a more straightforward way to evaluate irradiation effects.

The paper is published in Journal of Nuclear Materials and is open access! Please check it.

A. Meawad, K. Murakami, T. Ohkubo, O. Kontani, J. Etoh, M.D. Thi, C. Aparicio, C.M. Silva, I. Maruyama, Evaluation of radiation-induced amorphization of α-quartz in concrete aggregates using Raman spectroscopy, J. Nucl. Mater. 604 (2025) 155523.

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