Tour of construction 3D printer @ Neyagawa

We toured XtreeE’s 3D printer at Kurashiki Boseki Co., Ltd.’s Neyagawa Factory.

We saw the actual modeling being done and sat on a chair made with a 3D printer.

The functions of 3D printers vary depending on the company, but the printer used by Kurabo Industries is a robot arm type that can control 6 axes. It also has the characteristic of being able to create textile-like patterns.

Our laboratory is also conducting research on using roof tiles as a material for 3D printers. I would like to apply what I learned from this visit to further materials research.

綺麗な波の造形 織物のような模様が入ったベンチ

Beautiful wave-shaped bench with a textile-like pattern

This is a pillar that is 2m high. Laminations with overhangs were also observed.

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